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Expand/collapse block Information for lesson "PSC401 - Seminar Psikologi Klinis"Information for lesson "PSC401 - Seminar Psikologi Klinis"
Description: This course aims to stimulate students' skills in developing and planning for research, particularly in the context of clinical psychology.
Objectives: (1) Identifying ideas to be researched; (2) Highlighting research backgorund; (3) Identifying research problems; (4) Proposing research problems and objectives; (5) Doing literature review; (6) Developing conceptual framework & hypotheses; (7) Planning for research methodological matters.
Assessment: (1) Progress report; (2) Assignment
Topics: Contents of chapter 1-3 of student's final year project.
Resources: Any resources related to clinical psychology; relevant to topics under research in particular.
Learning method: Discussion and lecture
Projects: 18
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